We all have a Rhythm of Life that we follow whether we are aware of it or not.
Think about the things that make up your day to day. Look at what fills your calendar and you will start to see the shape of your Rhythm. From how you wake up in the morning to how you go to sleep at night, it’s all part of your Rhythm.
There are simple habits like your morning coffee ritual and flossing your teeth. And then the more complex, like finding the rhythm between work and rest, connecting with friends and volunteering for a cause.
It all adds up and soon you notice you are juggling numerous things. Fill in your own blanks for what it is for you:
- Work, study
- Family, relationships
- Doctors appointments
- Health, fitness, food
- Passion projects
- Paying the bills
- Traffic, commuting
- Time trying to figure out what’s next
- The unexpected
- _______________ And the list keeps going
There are the big things and then there are the little things. There’s mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, dealing with the car that broke down, moving, having a baby…
Often it’s all mixed together and life pulls you in multiple directions. There is your desire to give and serve. To do good in the community. To engage the issues we face in our cities and in our world. Just keeping up with the news is demanding. And why is it that your calendar doesn’t seem to be syncing between your phone and computer?
A Rhythm of Life is about all of this. A healthy Rhythm of Life & Leadership that leads to flourishing comes from having intentional, regular, sustainable practices that shape us and move us.
Some of the questions I often hear are these:
- How do I find a tempo and pace that is life-giving?
- How do I balance what I need with what others need?
- What about work, family, community, service?
- How do I avoid burn-out?
- What kind of practices make sense given my current stage of life?
- Is a life-giving Rhythm even possible or is that for someday maybe?
Over the last several years I’ve been leading conversations, crafting teachings and messages all about a Rhythm of Life. I’ve been actively curating lists of tools, tips, practices, and resources to help guide the conversation and answer the question — How do you craft a Rhythm of Life that is sustainable, life-giving, holistic, and will cause you to flourish?
I’ve used this ever evolving material with people of every age and stage, from high schoolers to retirees. I’ve used it in the Pacific Northwest, Latin America, Michigan, and with leaders in Egypt. People everywhere long to find their Rhythm. I guarantee it is a worthwhile pursuit.
Today is the official (re)launch of this website and blog. I’ve wanted to intentionally share publicly what I keep discovering along the way about creating Rhythms of Life & Leadership. And I love it when people add their voice and experience to the conversation.
I am a learner and fellow journeyer with you, and I find this endlessly fascinating and helpful. Would you join me in the continued exploration?