I love exploring what other practitioners and leaders are utilizing in the journey towards health and wholeness. I read a lot and listen to tons of podcasts (often on 2x speed!) I regularly experiment with apps and tools. This site is a way to help me collect all the things and share them with you!
The tabs below are organized by category and you can click to read my ratings, reviews, comments, and notes.
User Beware:
There is a risk introducing all these tools and resources. They can both help and hinder. Sometimes a new tool is more of a distraction from the thing we really need to be doing. Tools have a learning curve that takes time and investment. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by apps and devices when maybe what we most need is simply to totally unplug, go for a walk, or use pen and paper.
- Explore. Have fun. And choose wisely. Set aside time to learn how to use a tool so you get the most out of it. If something doesn’t connect with you, move on to something else. If what worked last year isn’t helping anymore, stop. We are all different and in different seasons of life.
- Beware of giving up to soon or staying trapped inside a box. That new, weird, cheesy, strange tool or app may also be helpful for you to get unstuck, grow deeper, or be challenged. Stay open to possibilities.
I’d love to hear from you if you have something you recommend!